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About the StudyOpt2Move is a 6-month smartphone-based study to help adolescent and young adult cancer survivors become more active.What’s involved? AssessmentsComplete before starting study and at 3 and 6 months: 45-min online surveyWear activity monitor 24/7 for 7 days You will be compensated for …

About the Study

Opt2Move is a 6-month smartphone-based study to help adolescent and young adult cancer survivors become more active.

What’s involved?


Complete before starting study and at 3 and 6 months:

  • 45-min online survey
  • Wear activity monitor 24/7 for 7 days
  • You will be compensated for assessment completion

Physical Activity Program

All Participants

  • Receive Fitbit, Opt2Move app, exercise prescription, 15-min orientation call
  • Track physical activity with Fitbit and use Opt2Move app daily
  • Additionally, you may receive 0-4 additional Opt2Move features focused on mindfulness and/or social support.

How can I learn more?

For questions: Phone: 312-503-3465; Email:

To complete online screening:

Eligibility Criteria

Who can participate?

  • Adults (18-39) diagnosed with cancer (except non-melanoma skin cancer) at age 18-39
  • 5 years or less since cancer diagnosis
  • 3 months or more since completed primary treatment (i.e., surgery, chemotherapy, and/or radiation); may still be undergoing endocrine or hormonal therapies
  • Fluent in spoken and written English
  • Own a smartphone that is either an iPhone (version 5 or greater) or an Android (version 5.0 or greater)
  • Have internet access
  • Have no absolute contraindications to exercise (e.g., acute myocardial infarction, severe orthopedic conditions, or metastatic disease) OR willing to obtain medical clearance from a primary care physician if necessary
  • Engage in less than 60 minutes total each week of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activities such as walking, biking, or swimming
  • Willing to find a Buddy (someone who knows about your cancer and participation in this study and who is willing to participate by supporting you during the 6-month study)
Principal InvestigatorPhillips, Siobhan MPhillips, Siobhan M IdentifierNCT05375162IRB number STU00210628
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